Problems viewing PDFfiles?

PDF (Portable Document Format) files are a convenient way of viewing and printing documents and pictures. They are shown on screen using a programme called Acrobat Reader. Most computers have this installed, but you can download a free Reader (or upgrade to the latest version) from Adobe Acrobat.

Security settings on some computers or internet browsers can stop PDF's being displayed. If you have a problem, try these solutions.

A new window opens but it is blank.

  • Is there a bar near the top which says something like 'Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content ...'?  Click on the bar (not the X) and then click on 'Allow Blocked Content' in the box which appears. Confirm this by clicking 'Yes' in the Security Warning box.

I click on the PDF link but nothing happens.

  • Do you have Acrobat Reader installed? (See above.)
  • Is the window hidden behind your main browser window? Try moving or resizing the browser window to reveal other windows.
  • In Internet Explorer, click on Tools > Pop-up Blocker and then Turn Off Pop-up Blocker.